The Wildwood Mission

To create a place where children are free, to connect with nature, to take risks, to follow their interests;

at their own pace, on their own path, in a rich environment, within a supportive community.

Guiding Principles

Particular Genius

All children are equal and unique; all deserve kindness and respect. This includes supporting the rhythm of each and allowing their particular genius to bloom.


All children are entitled to direct their own learning. Unrestricted and unstructured play, in a rich environment, are the cornerstones of self-directed learning.

The natural world

All children are entitled to develop a positive relationship with the natural world.

Risk and challenge

All children are entitled to experience appropriate risk and challenge which enables them to develop good judgment, persistence, resilience and better care for themselves. 

Family of learners

All children are entitled to develop relationships in mixed age groups which encourages social development and prepares children for the real world.

Support and encouragement

An educator’s primary role is to facilitate learning experiences that honor children’s interests, background, and needs and to offer support and encouragement on the child’s journey.